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The dream of every writer who is yet to be published is to be published by the major publishers and not to self-publish. Self-publishing is the last resort in most cases, except you are the “publish or perish” type. But many of the writers with manuscripts or typescripts of unpublished novels may not be really ready to publish, because their works still need to be well written and well edited.
Check out the following.
"Are You Absolutely, Positively, and Wholeheartedly Ready to Publish Your Novel?"
Poster You're done. You've finally finished that soon-to-be Pulitzer, monster of a book, and it's giving you all these warm, fuzzy feelings of satisfaction. But are you really done? Is this really it? After months, years, or decades of careful deliberation over those transitions and subplots, are you totally ready to give your paper child its first true glimpse of sunlight? Don't you want one last double-check of your novel's readiness for publication?
We had a feeling that might be the case. That's why the certified poster specialists at 826 have engineered the Are You Absolutely, Positively, and Wholeheartedly Ready to Publish Your Novel? poster. Meticulously constructed to test every last sentence, this poster is (possibly) scientifically proven to (possibly) supply every writer with the must-have writing checklists, key cornerstones of revision, and ninja writing skills necessary to (possibly) make the ultimate decision of whether or not to publish. (It's also the perfect size for that premier, particularly lonely spot right above your workspace. You know the one.) From charting the mountainous adversity faced by your main character to naming your novel in five easy spins, this poster will (possibly) be the supportive good guy or critical bad guy you need in your literary life to make that final call.
Pick one up for yourself or your favorite writer today! Designed by the oh-so-talented Anna Hurley and screen printed on beautiful French Paper card stock, Are You Absolutely, Positively, and Wholeheartedly Ready to Publish Your Novel? is available in two different color combinations. Prints are 15" x 30" and on sale for $18 plus shipping.
Graceland (Today Show Pick January 2005) ~ Christopher Abani
Song for Night: A Novella ~ Christopher Abani
The Virgin of Flames ~ Christopher Abani
Becoming Abigail ~ Christopher Abani
Sanctificum ~ Christopher Abani
Kalakuta Republic ~ Christopher Abani
Hands Washing Water ~ Christopher Abani
Controlled Decay (Black Goat) ~ Gabriela Jauregui
Feed Me the Sun: Collected Long Poems ~ Chris Abani
Daphne's Lot ~ Chris Abani
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