Books Are More Important Than Business Companies
It is a great pity that majority of Nigerians are intellectual illiterates or intellectual dummies.
The greatest nations on earth have been built on the foundations of books.
The Greek-Roman Civilation would not have existed without the Classics.
Israel was built on the Holy Scripture.
The Industrial Revolution was propelled by The Renaissance.
The United States of America was built by the vision of the Founding Fathers whose books launched the American Dream.
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream launched the emergence of Barack Obama, the first black President of the USA.
Chinua Achebe's all time classic Things Fall Apart has done more for African Civilization than the First Bank of Nigeria Plc.
Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka's corpus means more to the world than Union Bank Plc.
Have you read You Must Set Forth at Dawn: A Memoir ?
In fact, I will not exchange my new historical documentary on Barack Obama for the whole of Globacom.
I regard books more than workplaces.
If only Nigerians love books as much as they love their GSM phones and each of the over 75 million GSM users spend only N500 monthly to buy a Nigerian book instead of spending it on unprofitable text messages and gossip calls, Nigerians would be more educated and rewarded and develop faster than ever before.
Half of a Yellow Sun ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Becoming Abigail ~ Christopher Abani
The Thing Around Your Neck ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Wayo Guy and other Nigerian Short Stories ~ Chima Uchendu
The Open Sore of a Continent: A Personal Narrative of the Nigerian Crisis (The W.E.B. Du Bois Institute Series) ~ Wole Soyinka